About us: Our programs & ministries
Children & Youth
Our 10am service is a family service where children and young people are welcome and encouraged to participate as part of the church family gathered together in worship.
During the second half of the service, the children and youth are provided with age appropriate programs:
Little Blessings
for preschoolers, in the Cry Room next to the worship area
parents to drop off and collect their children -
Junior Church
for primary school children who go upstairs with their teachers
for a fun interactive bible learning time. We use GodSpace teaching materials. -
for highschoolers, upstairs with their teacher for bible study
Before the Little Blessing program begins, the Cry Room is available for parents to use with their children.
Small Groups
We have several small groups who meet together during the week for fellowship, bible study and prayer.
Other languages
There is a Nuer language service each Sunday at 3pm held by the South Sudanese Fellowship who are in the process of merging with Doveton Baptist.
The Christ Tamil Church meet in our building on Sundays at 6:00pm Contact Sis. Queenie Shantha on (03)8707 4021 or 0412195115 for details.
Free English classes on Saturdays 10am to 12pm
We had a fun and meaningful time together as a combined church family back in March at our Chruch Camp. We have recently started a montly movie night on the 2nd Sat of the month starting at 5pm if you would like to bring your own food to share with the movie starting at 6pm.
On the 1st & 3rd Wednesday's of the month, we have a worship service from 12pm to 1pm, followed by a time of fellowship over a light lunch.
On the alternate Wednesday's during school terms, we meet as a small group from 11am to 12pm with morning tea for a time of sharing, prayer and an interactive devotional.